Submissions can be done by email to Prof. Tansel Ozyer --- tanseletu (at) gmail (dot) com
All demonstration submissions must be no more than 4 pages (including all figures) using IEEE CPS two-column template and should provide a short and clear description about the system to be demonstrated, covering a summary of its novel characteristics, the list of its functions and features. Any submission that does not follow the guidelines will be rejected without review.
The selection criteria used for demonstration proposals include novelty, technical quality, and presentation quality of the demonstrated system.
Each accepted demo is required to have a poster and demonstrate during the demo sessions using authors' own laptop/device. The organizers will provide space and Internet connection at the conference venue.
Accepted and presented posters will be included in the ASONAM 2018 Conference Proceedings and forwarded for inclusion in IEEE Computer Society Digital Library (CSDL), IEEE eXplore, and the ACM Digital Library. The conference proceedings will be submitted for El indexing through INSPEC by the IEEE.