
The following workshops will be held in conjunction with ASONAM 2024. (Workshop papers will be indexed in the conference proceedings.)

  • The 15th International Workshop on Mining and Analyzing Social Networks for Decision Support - MSNDS 2024

  • Mining and analyzing social networks is now becoming a very popular research area not only for data mining and web mining but also for social network analysis. Recently, many researchers have devoted to improving traditional mining techniques for social network analysis. However, it is meaningless, if the discovered valuable and useful data have not been applied in the real application environment. Social data are the aggregations of communication interactions and experiences of people, and it is useful to leverage this type of data for decision-making. Thus, it could be an important time to shift the research focus to an application area, such as decision support.
    Duration: Full
    • I-Hsien Ting,
    • Min-Yuh Day,
    • Chia-Sung Yen,

  • Artificial Intelligence for a Secure Society - AISS

  • The "Artificial Intelligence for a Secure Society" (AISS) workshop at ASONAM 2024 focuses on the urgent challenges posed by advanced AI and LLMs in both mitigating and exacerbating the spread of misinformation across social media platforms. Since these technologies can threaten the integrity and trustworthiness of online discourse, the workshop invites contributions on cutting-edge research aimed at improving the detection and mitigation of misinformation, disinformation, and coordinated online behavior. Key topics include the analysis of fake news, information diffusion models to curb misinformation, advanced detection of deepfakes, and the study of polarized communities through network analysis. The workshop aims to enhance the integrity of online discourse and promote a more secure online and offline society.
    Duration: Half
    • Serena Tardelli, IIT-CNR, Italy,
    • Anastasia Giachanou, Utrecht University, Netherlands,
    • Carmela Comito, ICAR-CNR, Italy,
    • Maurizio Tesconi, IIT-CNR, Italy,

  • 1st International Workshop on Disaster Network Science for Building Resilient Communities - REINFORCE 2024 (disasteR nEtwork scIeNce FOr Resilient CommunitiEs)

  • Disaster Network Science is an emerging trans-disciplinary research area principally based on the theory of Complex Networks and focusing on (i) the modeling of dynamic and fast information flow, (i) the robustness of information flow over multi-layer information environments and (iii) the design of efficient and robust communication networks in early warning and disaster recovery scenarios. The theoretical foundations of this research area are the Complex Networks that together with the Graph Theory provide methods, formalisms and analytical techniques for conceptualizing the network structure of communication and transport infrastructures, and their evolution due to the time-evolving nature of the emergencies (e.g. floodings, earthquakes, pandemics, tsunamis, fire, natural disasters, terrorism, etc.). Disaster Network Science aims to integrate the different contexts (i.e., layers) where emergencies unfold: from infrastructural networks to communication systems, human behavior changes in response to external stressors and can be studied by means of Social Sciences, Social Network Analysis and Social Media. The workshop REINFORCE (disasteR nEtwork scIeNce FOr Resilient CommunitiEs) aims at integrating such research contexts to foster community participation in the design of solutions (community-in-the-loop) thus improving disaster preparedness and response. The research fields of Computational, and Information Sciences, together with Ad-hoc Communication Networks are also invited to contribute aiming at developing effective and efficient communication strategies when significant failures, service disruptions or intermittent connections affect the communication platforms. Research in Disaster Network Science will finally offer novel methodologies and insights in the design of interventions and communication networks that focus on the involvement of people in communities as participants in information gathering and dissemination in both the virtual and physical worlds. This experience-centered design will facilitate the transmission of early warnings or alerts thus improving disaster management and paving the way for better and more efficient operations in responses.
    Duration: Half
    • Annalisa Socievole, Institute for High Performance Computing and Networking, National Research Council of Italy (ICAR-CNR),
    • Floriano De Rango, University of Calabria, Italy,
    • Manlio De Domenico, University of Padua, Italy,

  • 1st International Workshop on Theory and Applications of Hypernetwork Science - HyperSCI

  • Traditionally, complex systems have been successfully studied through graphs abstracting the underlying relations with vertices and edges connecting pairs of interacting components. Yet, many real-world systems are characterized by group interactions that cannot be described simply in terms of dyads. Studying such systems requires new mathematical frameworks and scientific methodologies for its investigation. Hypergraphs are the perfect candidates to tackle this task, as these structures are a generalization of graphs where a (hyper)edge allows the connection of an arbitrary number of vertices. However, the powerful expressiveness of hypergraphs has a few drawbacks: dealing with the complexity of such data structures and the need for appropriate tools and algorithms for their study. Given the considerable potential and the growing interest of the research community in overcoming the challenges of exploiting hypergraphs and, more generally, high-order networks to unravel real-world group dynamics, we propose a workshop on Theory and Applications of Hypernetwork Science (HyperSCI) at the ASONAM Conference 2024. The goal of this workshop is to focus the attention of the ASONAM research community on addressing the open questions and challenges in this thriving research area. Given the broad range of competencies in the ASONAM community, the workshop will welcome methodological contributions as well as applications to real-world problems, tool implementations, and the development of reference hypergraphs that can serve as test beds. We believe that instantiating one of the first workshops on hypernetwork science will inspire the community to share new ideas and development, addressing well-known challenges and identifying new ones.
    Duration: Half
    • Program Chairs
      • Alessia Antelmi, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, Italy,
      • Andrea Failla, Università di Pisa, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy,
    • Steering Committee
      • Francesco Cauteruccio, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Salerno, Italy
      • Gennaro Cordasco, Università della Campania “Luigi Vanvitelli”, Caserta, Italy
      • Mirko Polato, Università degli Studi di Torino, Turin, Italy
      • Giulio Rossetti, Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie dell’Informazione (ISTI), Consiglio nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR), Pisa, Italy
      • Carmine Spagnuolo, Università degli Studi di Salerno, Salerno, Italy

  • 9th International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors - SIDEWAYS

  • Nowadays Social media platforms represent freely-accessible information networks allowing registered and unregistered members to read, share and broadcast posts, different in format and size, referring to a potentially-unlimited range of topics, by also exploiting the immediateness of handy smart devices. This workshop wants to stress the vision of these powerful communication channels as social sensors, where each user reacts in real time to the underlying reality by providing her own interpretation of the reality that needs to be analysed, understood and interpreted. Technologies on this connectivity may also provide automatic or semi-automatic applications for information detection and integration, offering a sideway to the existing authoritative information media and the information reported by the surrounding community.
    Duration: Half
    • Mario CATALDI,
    • Luigi Di Caro,
    • Claudio Schifanella,

  • First International Workshop on Safeguarding Social Networks: Privacy, Security and Trust in the Age of Misinformation - SAFE-SN 2024

  • Given the widespread use of social network platforms, issues of security, privacy, and trust, along with the proliferation of fake news and profiles, are becoming increasingly prominent. Recent studies show that over 90% of users share potentially sensitive personal information on social media platforms. This, combined with the recent data breaches experienced by popular social networks, highlights the need to protect users not only from external adversaries but also from the social network provider itself. Furthermore, modern tools provided by Artificial Intelligence (e.g., deepfakes) have contributed to the spread of fake news, misinformation, and cybercrimes such as online scams and cyberbullying. This workshop focuses on the challenges arising from the above issues with the aim to identify strategies and solutions to mitigate their effects. The workshop is intended for researchers and practitioners working in the fields of cybersecurity, privacy, social media, information technology, and related disciplines.
    Duration: Half
    • Francesco Buccafurri, Full Professor, University Mediterranea of Reggio Calabria,
    • Vincenzo De Angelis, Researcher, University of Calabria,

  • Workshop on Social Influence - SI 2024

  • This workshop associated with the ASONAM 2024 conference is targeted to researchers involved in modelling diffusion of information in social networks as well as theoretical models with key topics related to:
    - social influence
    - diffusion of information and innovations
    - influence maximization
    - graphical voter models
    - evolutionary graph theory
    - content manipulation
    - epidemic models on graphs
    - data-driven approaches
    - temporal networks
    - seeding strategies
    - optimization of dynamic processes in networks

    Duration: Half


  • ASONAM 2024 Program


  • Steering Chair
  • Reda AlhajjUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Honorary Chairs
  • Frans N. StokmanUniversity of Groningen, Netherlands
  • General Chairs
  • Andrea TagarelliUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Roberto InterdonatoCIRAD, UMR Tetis, France
  • Jon RokneUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Program Committee Chairs
  • Luca M. AielloIT University of Copenhagen, Denmark
  • Tanmoy ChakrabortyIIT Delhi, India
  • Sabrina GaitoUniversity of Milan, Italy
  • Industry-Track Chairs
  • Francesco GulloUniversity of L'Aquila, Italy
  • Gianmarco De Francisci MoralesCENTAI, Italy
  • Workshops Chairs
  • I-Hsien TingNational University of Kaohsiung, Taiwan
  • Rajesh SharmaUniversity of Tartu, Estonia
  • Lucio La CavaUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Multidisciplinary Track Chairs
  • Ester ZumpanoUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Shirin NilizadehUniversity of Texas at Arlington, USA
  • Carmela ComitoICAR-CNR, Italy
  • PhD Forum and Posters Track Chairs
  • Huzefa RangwalaGeorge Mason University, USA
  • Alessia AntelmiUniversity of Turin, Italy
  • Domenico MandaglioUniversity of Calabria, Italy
  • Demos and Exhibitions Chairs
  • Elio MasciariUniversity of Naples, Italy
  • Tansel OzyerAnkara Medipol University, Turkey
  • Tutorial Chairs
  • Pasquale De MeoUniversity of Messina, Italy
  • Shady ShehataYOURIKA Labs, Canada
  • Davide VegaUniversity of Uppsala, Sweden
  • Publicity Chairs
  • Shang GaoJilin University, China
  • Buket KayaFirat University, Turkey
  • Kashfia SailunazUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Publication Chairs
  • Min-Yuh DayNational Taipei University, Taiwan
  • Panagiotis KarampelasHellenic Airforce Academy, Greece
  • Registration Chairs
  • Jalal KawashUniversity of Calgary, Canada
  • Mehmet KayaFirat University, Turkey
  • Web Chair
  • Deniz BestepeIstanbul Medipol University, Turkey