The list of accepted submissions (full-short-posters) is as follows (in no particular order). Posters should be (120 CM x 90 CM):
- A New Approach to Bot Detection: The Importance of Recall, Fred Morstatter, Liang Wu, Tahora Hossein Nazer, Kathleen Carley and Huan Liu, FULL
- Query-Friendly Compression of Graph Streams, Arijit Khan and Charu Aggarwal, FULL
- Stop Clickbait: Detecting and Preventing Clickbaits in Online News Media, Abhijnan Chakraborty, Bhargavi Paranjape, Sourya Kakarla and Niloy Ganguly, FULL
- The Collapse of the Friendster Network Started From the Center of the Core, Kazunori Seki and Masataka Nakamura, FULL
- From Migration Corridors to Clusters: The Value of Google+ Data for Migration Studies, Johnnatan Messias, Fabricio Benevenuto, Ingmar Weber and Emilio Zagheni, FULL
- Detecting Misinformation In Online Social Networks Before It Is Too Late, Huiling Zhang, Alan Kuhnle, Huiyuan Zhang and My T. Thai, FULL
- Learning Cascaded Social Influence Under Partial Monitoring, Jiaqi Ma, Jie Zhang and Jie Tang, FULL
- On Predicting Social Unrest Using Social Mediav, Rostyslav Korolov, Di Lu, Jingjing Wang, Guangyu Zhou, Claire Bonial, Clare Voss, Lance Kaplan, William Wallace, Jiawei Han and Heng Ji, FULL
- New Stopping Criteria For Spectral Partitioning, James Fairbanks, Anita Zakrzewska and David A. Bader, FULL
- Estimating Exponential Random Graph Models using Sampled Network Data via Graphon, Ran He and Tian Zheng, FULL
- Influence based Analysis of Community Consistency in Dynamic Networks, Xiaowei Jia, Xiaoyi Li, Nan Du, Yuan Zhang, Vishrawas Gopalakrishnan, Guangxu Xun and Aidong Zhang, FULL
- Tradeoffs between Density and Size in Extracting Dense Subgraphs: A Unified Framework, Zhefeng Wang, Lingyang Chu, Jian Pei, Enhong Chen and Abdullah Al-Barakati, FULL
- NIMBLECORE: A Space-efficient External Memory Algorithm for Estimating Core Numbers, Priya Govindan, Sucheta Soundarajan, Tina Eliassi-Rad and Christos Faloutsos, FULL
- Local Triangle-Densest Subgraphs, Raman Samusevich, Maximilien Danisch and Mauro Sozio, FULL
- How Fashionable is Each Street?: Quantifying Road Characteristics using Social Media, Takuya Nishimura, Kyosuke Nishida, Hiroyuki Toda and Hiroshi Sawada, FULL
- Non-Sharing Communities? An Empirical Study of Community Detection for Access Control Decisions, Gaurav Misra, Jose M. Such and Hamed Balogun, FULL
- Higher-order correlations of consumption patterns in social-economic networks, Yannick Léo, Márton Karsai, Carlos Sarraute and Eric Fleury, FULL
- Social Badge System Analysis, Jiawei Zhang, Xiangnan Kong and Philip S. Yu, FULL
- Personality Homophily and the Local Network Characteristics of Facebook, Nyala Noe, Roger M. Whitaker and Stuart M. Allen, FULL
- Rank Degree: An Efficient Algorithm for Graph Sampling, Elli Voudigari, Nikos Salamanos, Theodore Papageorgiou and Emmanuel Yannakoudakis, FULL
- Streaming METIS Partitioning, Ghizlane Echbarthi and Hamamache Kheddouci, FULL
- Dynamic Community Detection based on Distance Dynamics, Qian Guo, Lei Zhang, Bin Wu and Xuelin Zeng, FULL
- Classification in Dynamic Streaming Networks, Yibo Yao and Lawrence Holder, FULL
- All-Pairs Shortest Distances Maintenance in Relational DBMSs, Sergio Greco, Cristian Molinaro, Chiara Pulice and Ximena Quintana, FULL
- Ensemble-Based Algorithms to Detect Disjoint and Overlapping Communities in Networks, Tanmoy Chakraborty, Noseong Park and V.S. Subrahmanian, FULL
- Enumerating Maximal Cliques in Temporal Graphs, Anne-Sophie Himmel, Hendrik Molter, Rolf Niedermeier and Manuel Sorge, FULL
- Community-Based Geospatial Tag Estimation, Wei Niu, James Caverlee, Haokai Lu and Krishna Kamath, FULL
- Community-based delurking in social networks, Roberto Interdonato, Chiara Pulice and Andrea Tagarelli, FULL
- Percimo: Location Estimation in Social Media: Exploiting the Correlation Between Content and Locations, Guangchao Yuan, Pradeep Kumar Murukannaiah and Munindar Singh, FULL
- Joining User Profiles Across Online Social Networks: from the Perspective of an Adversary, Qiang Ma, Han Hee Song, S Muthukrishnan and Antonio Nucci, FULL
- Analyzing information sharing strategies of users in online social networks, Dong-Anh Nguyen, Shulong Tan, Ram Ramanathan and Xifeng Yan, FULL
- Exploiting Spatial-Temporal-Social Constraints for Localness Inference Using Online Social Media, Chao Huang and Dong Wang, FULL
- Targeting Algorithms for Online Social Advertising Markets, Chaolun Xia, Shan Muthukrishnan and Saikat Guha, FULL
- Downside Management in Recommender Systems, Huan Gui, Haishan Liu and Jiawei Han, FULL
- Emotion- and Area-Driven Topic Shift Analysis in Social Media Discussions, Kamil Topal, Mehmet Koyuturk and Gultekin Ozsoyoglu, FULL
- Network Classification Using Adjacency Matrix Embeddings and Deep Learning, Ke Wu, Philip Watters and Malik Magdon-Ismail, FULL
- Intertwined Viral Marketing in Social Networks, Jiawei Zhang, Senzhang Wang, Qianyi Zhan and Philip S Yu, FULL
- Weakly Hierarchical Lasso based Learning to Rank in Best Answer Prediction, Qiongjie Tian and Baoxin Li, FULL
- Community Detection in Political Twitter Networks using Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Methods, Mert Ozer, Nyunsu Kim and Hasan Davulcu, FULL
- On the Guarantee of Containment Probability in Influence Minimization, , Chien-Wei Chang, Mi-Yen Yeh and Kun-Ta Chuang, FULL
- Prediction of Cyberbullying Incidents in a Media-based Social Network, Homa Hosseinmardi, Rahat Ibn Rafiq, Richard Han, Qin Lv and Shivakant Mishra, FULL
- Web User Profiling using Data Redundancy, Xiaotao Gu, Hong Yang, Jie Tang and Jing Zhang, FULL
- Can I foresee the success of my Meetup group?, Soumajit Pramanik, Midhun Gundapuneni, Sayan Pathak and Bivas Mitra, FULL
- Togetherness: An Algorithmic Approach to Network Integration Anastasia Moskvina and Jiamou Liu, FULL
- Functional Cluster Extraction from Large Spatial Networks Takayasu Fushimi, Kazumi Saito, Tetsuo Ikeda and Kazuhiro Kazama, SHORT
- From Event Detection to Story Telling on Microblogs: A Statistical Approach Janani Kalyanam, Sumithra Velupillai, Mike Conway and Gert Lanckriet, SHORT
- Investigating the complete corpus of Referendum and Elections tweets Despoina Antonakaki, Dimitris Spiliotopoulos, Christos V. Samaras, Sotiris Ioannidis and Paraskevi Fragopoulou, SHORT
- Collaborative Restricted Boltzmann Machine for Social Event Recommendation Xiaowei Jia, Xiaoyi Li, Kang Li, Vishrawas Gopalakrishnan, Guangxu Xun and Aidong Zhang, SHORT
- Understanding Citizen Reactions and Ebola-Related Information Propagation on Social Media, Thanh Tran and Kyumin Lee, SHORT
- What we write about when we write about causality: Features of causal statements across large-scale social discourse, Thomas McAndrew, Joshua Bongard, Chris Danforth, Peter Dodds, Paul Hines and James Bagrow, SHORT
- A First Look at User Activity on Tinder, Gareth Tyson, Claudiu Perta, Hamed Haddadi and Micheal Seto, SHORT
- Understanding the Importance of Rewards on Reward-Based Crowdfunding Platforms, Yusan Lin, Chung-Chou H. Chang and Wang-Chien Lee, SHORT
- Why not Scale Free? Simulating Company Ego Networks on Twitter, Yoav Achiam, Inbal Yahav and David Schwartz, SHORT
- Detecting Malicious Campaigns in Crowdsourcing Platforms and Building a Blacklist Service, Hongkyu Choi, Kyumin Lee and Steve Webb, SHORT
- Network Completion via Joint Node Clustering and Similarity Learning, Dimitrios Rafailidis and Fabio Crestani, SHORT
- Priority Rank Model: a Universal Tool for Social Network Generation, Mikolaj Morzy, Przemysław Kazienko and Tomasz Kajdanowicz, SHORT
- Hiding in Plain Sight: Characterizing and Detecting Malicious Facebook Pages, Prateek Dewan, Shrey Bagroy and Ponnurangam Kumaraguru, SHORT
- Sensitivity and Reliability in Incomplete Networks: Centrality Metrics to Community Scoring Functions, Soumya Sarkar, Suhansanu Kumar, Sanjukta Bhowmick and Animesh Mukherjee, SHORT
- Trustingness & Trustworthiness: A Pair of Complementary Trust Measures in a Social Network, Atanu Roy, Jaideep Srivastava and Jisu Huh, SHORT
- Case Study: A Visual Analysis of Student Behavior in Massive Open Online Courses, James Schaffer, John O'Donovan, Brandon Huynh, Yinglong Xia and Sabrina Lin, SHORT
- The Impact of Core-Periphery Clustering on Coordinated Diffusion in Collaboration Networks, , SHORT
- Dynamics of large scale networks following a merger, John Clements, Henryk Fuk'S and Babak Farzad, SHORT
- Social Network Dominance based on Analysis of Asymmetry, Yuemeng Li, Xintao Wu and Song Yang, SHORT
- MaxReach: Reducing Network Incompleteness through Node Probes, Sucheta Soundarajan, Tina Eliassi-Rad, Brian Gallagher and Ali Pinar, SHORT
- Predicting Anchor Links between Heterogeneous Social Networks, Sina Sajadmanesh, Hamid R. Rabiee and Ali Khodadadi, SHORT
- Benchmarking Online Social Networks, Pablo Nicolas Terevinto, Miguel Pérez, Josep Domènech, José A. Gil and Ana Pont, SHORT
- Evaluation Measures for Clustering Quality on Graph Samples, Jianpeng Zhang, Yulong Pei, George Fletcher and Mykola Pechenizkiy, SHORT
- New to Online Dating?Learning from Experienced Users for a Successful Match, Mo Yu, Xiaolong Zhang, Derek Kreager and Dongwon Lee, SHORT
- Co-Location Social Networks: Linking the Physical World and Cyberspace, Huandong Wang, Yong Li, Yang Chen, Yue Wang, Jian Yuan and Depeng Jin, SHORT
- Heuristics for Advertising Revenue Optimization in Online Social Networks, Inzamam Rahaman and Patrick Hosein, SHORT
- Twitter Message Recommendation Based on User Interest Profiles, Raheleh Makki Niri, Axel J. Soto, Stephen Brooks and Evangelos E. Milios, SHORT
- Authorship Identification in Bengali Language: A Graph Based Approach, Tanmoy Chakraborty and Prasenjit Choudhury, SHORT
- An Information Theoretic Approach to Generalised Blockmodelling for the Identification of Meso-Scale Structure in Networks, Neil Hurley and Erika Duriakova, SHORT
- ClearView: Data Cleaning for Online Review Mining, Amanda Minnich, Noor Abu-El-Rub, Maya Gokhale, Ronald Minnich and Abdullah Mueen, SHORT
- A Local Measure of Community Change in Dynamic Graphs, Anita Zakrzewska, Eisha Nathan, James Fairbanks and David A. Bader, SHORT
- Temporal Mechanisms of Polarization in Online Reviews, Antonis Matakos and Panayiotis Tsaparas, SHORT
- On the delta-Hyperbolicity in Complex Networks, Hend Alrasheed, SHORT
- Bayesian Model Selection of Stochastic Block Models, Xiaoran Yan, SHORT
- Finding Needles of Interested Tweets in the Haystack of Twitter Network, Qiongjie Tian, Jashmi Lagisetty and Baoxin Li, SHORT
- A Parameter-Free Method for Detecting Local Communities Based on Attainable Information, Ardavan Afshar, Mansoor Zolghadri Jahromi and Ali Hamzeh, SHORT
- Subconscious Crowdsourcing: A Feasible Data Collection Mechanism for Mental Disorder Detection on Social Media, Chun-Hao Chang, Elvis Saravia and Yi-Shin Chen, SHORT
- Trust And Privacy Correlations in Social Networks A Deep Learning Framework, Shatha Jaradat, Nima Dokoohaki, Mihhail Matskin and Elena Ferrari, SHORT
- Generating Risk Reduction Recommendations to Decrease Vulnerability of Public Online Profiles, Janet Zhu, Sicong Zhang, Lisa Singh, Grace Hui Yang and Micah Sherr, SHORT
- Identifying and Characterizing Communal Microblogs during Disaster Events, Koustav Rudra, Ashish Sharma, Niloy Ganguly and Saptarshi Ghosh, SHORT
- Exploring Influence Among Participants for Event Recommendation, Yi Liao, Xinshi Lin and Wai Lam, SHORT
- Social Network Change Deection Using a Genetic Algorithm Based Back Propagation Neural Network Model, Ze Li, Duo-Yong Sun, Jie Li and Zhan-Feng Li, POSTER
- BullyBlocker: Towards the Identification of Cyberbullying in Social Networking Sites, Yasin Silva, Christopher Rich and Deborah Hall, POSTER
- On the robustness of centrality measures under conditions of imperfect weighted data, Joshua Gluck, Matthew Benigni, Kathleen Carley and Yuvraj Agarwal, POSTER
- Towards Sentiment Analysis for Mobile Devices, Johnnatan Messias, João P. Diniz, Elias Soares, Miller Ferreira, Matheus Araújo, Lucas Bastos, Manoel Miranda and Fabricio Benevenuto, POSTER
- Overlapping Community Detection through Non-Negative Matrix Factorization and Exponential Random Graph Models, Georgios Alexandridis, Giorgos Siolas and Andreas Stafylopatis, POSTER
- Node-Centric Detection of Overlapping Communities in Social Networks, Yehonatan Cohen, Danny Hendler and Amir Rubin, POSTER
- A Centrality-based Measure of User Privacy in Online Social Networks, Ruggero G. Pensa and Gianpiero Di Blasi, POSTER
- Trifluence: Learning Triadic Influence in Large Social Networks, Chenhui Zhang, Sida Gao and Jie Tang, POSTER
- Local Community Detection in Multilayer Networks, Roberto Interdonato, Andrea Tagarelli, Dino Ienco, Arnaud Sallaberry and Pascal Poncelet, POSTER
- Quiz Mining from Knowledge Base, Taesung Lee, Seung-Won Hwang and Zhongyuan Wang, POSTER
- Towards Predicting Academic Impact from Mainstream News and Weblogs: A Heterogenous Graph Based Approach, Mohan Timilsina, Brian Davis and Conor Hayes, POSTER
- Strong Link Graph for Enhancing Sybil Defenses, Suhendry Effendy and Roland Yap, POSTER
- Troll Vulnerability in Online Social Networks, Paraskevas Tsantarliotis, Evaggelia Pitoura and Panayiotis Tsaparas, POSTER
- The Effect of Homophily on Common Knowledge and Coordination on Facebook, Gizem Korkmaz, Chris Kuhlman and Fernando Vega-Redondo, POSTER
- Community Structure Analysis with Relational Latent Variable Models, Manfred Jaeger and Jiuchuan Jiang, POSTER